Course Curriculum
Managing Azure Subscription and Resources
Managing Azure subscriptions, assigning administrator permissions, configuring Azure subscriptions, utilizing and consuming Azure resources, analyzing alerts and metrics, configuring diagnostic settings, monitoring unused resources, utilizing Log Search query functions, viewing alerts in Log Analytics, managing resource groups, configuring resource locks and policies, moving resources across resource groups, Managed role-based access control (RBAC).
Implementing and Managing Storage
Creating and configuring storage accounts, installing Azure Storage Explorer, monitoring activity using Log Analytics, deploying Azure storage replication, exporting from and importing into Azure job, Azure Data Box, configuring blob storage, Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN), creating Azure file share and file sync, implementing Azure backup, creating Recovery Services Vault, configuring backup policy.
Deploying and Managing Virtual Machines
Configuring VM for Windows and Linux, configuring monitoring, networking, storage, deploying and configuring scale sets, modifying Azure Resource Manager (ARM), configuring VHD template, deploying Windows and Linux VMs, managing Azure VM, automate configuration management with PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC), managing VM sizes, moving VMs from one resource to another, managing VM backups, configuring VM backup, performing VM restore, Azure Site Recovery.
Configuring and Managing Virtual Networks
Creating connectivity between virtual networks, creating and configuring VNET peering, virtual network connectivity, creating virtual network gateway, implement and manage virtual networking, configuring private and public IP addresses, network routes and network interface, configuring name resolution, configuring Azure DNS, configuring private and public DNS zones, configuring Network Security Group (NSG), creating security rules; associating NSG to a subnet or network interface, implement Azure load balancer, monitor and troubleshoot virtual networking, integrate on premises network with Azure virtual network.
Managing Identities
Managing Azure Active Directory (AD), managing Azure AD objects, creating users and groups, implementing and managing hybrid identities, installing and configuring Azure AD Connect and managing Azure AD Connect, perform bulk user updates manage guest accounts, include password hash and pass-through synchronization, Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS), Implement multi-factor authentication (MFA).
Infrastructure Setup
Installation of Devops Tools on cloud – Git, Docker, Selenium, Maven, Jenkins, Puppet, Ansible, Kubernetes, Nagios
Introduction to DevOps
What is Software Development, Software Development Life Cycle, Traditional Models for SDLC, Why Devops?, What is Devops?, Devops Lifecycle, Devops Tools
Software Version Control
What is Version Control, Types of Version Control System, Introduction to SVN, Introduction to Git, Git Lifecycle, Common Git Commands, Working with Branches in Git, Merging Branches, Resolving Merge Conflicts, Git Workflow
Containerization with Docker
Introduction to Docker, Understanding Docker Lifecycle, Components of Docker Ecosystem, Common Docker Operations, Creating a DockerHub Account, Committing changes in a Container, Pushing a Container Image to DockerHub, Creating Custom Docker Images using Dockerfile, What are Docker Volumes, Deploying a Multi-Tier Application using Docker Network, Using Docker Compose to deploy containers, What is Container Orchestration, Container Orchestration Tools, Introduction to Docker Swarm, Deploying a 2-Node Cluster using Docker Swarm
Configuration Management with Puppet
- Need of Configuration Management
- Configuration Management Tools
- What is Puppet
- Puppet Architecture
- Setting up Master Slave using Puppet
- Puppet Manifests
- Puppet Modules
- Applying configuration using Puppet
- Puppet File Server
Hands-on Exercise –
- Setting up Master Slave on AWS
- Testing Connection of nodes with Puppet
- Creating a Manifest
- Deploying Manifest on Node
- Creating a Module
- Deploying sample software on nodes using Puppet Modules and Manifests
- Implementing a File Server Module on Puppet
Configuration Management with Ansible
- What is Ansible?
- Ansible vs Puppet
- Ansible Architecture
- Setting up Master Slave using Ansible
- Ansible Playbook
- Ansible Roles
- Applying configuration using Ansible
Hands-on Exercise –
- Installing Ansible on AWS
- Creating a Playbook using YAML
- Creating an Ansible Role
- Using Roles in Playbook
Continuous Testing with Selenium
- What is Continuous Testing?
- Introduction to Selenium
- What is Maven?
- Using Maven with Selenium
- Creating Test Cases with Selenium
- Running Test Cases on Chromium Web Driver
- What is Headless Mode?
Hands-on Exercise –
- Using Maven to import dependencies in Eclipse
- Create Sample Test Case for a website using Selenium
- Implementing a headless test in selenium using Chrome WebDriver
Continuous Integration using Jenkins
Introduction to Continuous Integration, Jenkins Master Slave Architecture, Understanding CI/CD Pipelines, Creating an end to end automated CI/CD Pipeline
Continuous Orchestration using Kubernetes
Introduction to Kubernetes, Docker Swarm vs Kubernetes, Kubernetes Architecture, Deploying Kubernetes using Kubeadms, Alternate ways of deploying Kubernetes, YAML Files, Creating a Deployment in Kubernetes using YAML, Services in Kubernetes, Ingress in Kubernetes, Case Study – Kubernetes Architecture
Continuous Monitoring using Nagios
What is Continuous Monitoring, Introduction to Nagios, Nagios Architecture, Monitoring Services in Nagios, What are NRPE Plugins, Monitoring System Info using NRPE plugins
Azure with DevOps
Overview of Azure on Devops, Introduction to Azure Boards, Understanding Azure Repos, Use Azure Pipelines, Explain Azure Test Plans, Introduction to Azure Artifacts