Course Curriculum
Managing Azure subscription and resources
Managing Azure subscriptions, assigning administrator permissions, configuring Azure subscriptions, utilizing and consuming Azure resources, analyzing alerts and metrics, configuring diagnostic settings, monitoring unused resources, utilizing Log Search query functions, viewing alerts in Log Analytics, managing resource groups, configuring resource locks and policies, moving resources across resource groups, Managed role-based access control (RBAC).
Implementing and managing storage
Creating and configuring storage accounts, installing Azure Storage Explorer, monitoring activity using Log Analytics, deploying Azure storage replication, exporting from and importing into Azure job, Azure Data Box, configuring blob storage, Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN), creating Azure file share and file sync, implementing Azure backup, creating Recovery Services Vault, configuring backup policy.
Deploying and managing Virtual Machines
Configuring VM for Windows and Linux, configuring monitoring, networking, storage, deploying and configuring scale sets, modifying Azure Resource Manager (ARM), configuring VHD template, deploying Windows and Linux VMs, managing Azure VM, automate configuration management with PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC), managing VM sizes, moving VMs from one resource to another, managing VM backups, configuring VM backup, performing VM restore, Azure Site Recovery.
Configuring and managing Virtual Networks
Creating connectivity between virtual networks, creating and configuring VNET peering, virtual network connectivity, creating virtual network gateway, implement and manage virtual networking, configuring private and public IP addresses, network routes and network interface, configuring name resolution, configuring Azure DNS, configuring private and public DNS zones, configuring Network Security Group (NSG), creating security rules; associating NSG to a subnet or network interface, implement Azure load balancer, monitor and troubleshoot virtual networking, integrate on premises network with Azure virtual network.
Developing Azure IaaS Solutions
Implementing solutions with Virtual Machines (VM), provisioning VMs, creating ARM templates, configuring Azure Disk Encryption for VMs, deploying Azure batch jobs with Azure Batch Services, Batch Service API, running batch job with Azure CLI, Azure portals, Azure Batch Services batch job coding, creating containerized solutions, creating Azure Managed Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster, container images for solutions, publishing image to Azure Container Registry, running containers with Azure Container Instance.
Developing Azure PaaS Solutions
Creating Azure App Service Web Apps, creating background task with WebJobs, enabling diagnostic logging, creating Azure App Service mobile apps, enabling mobile app offline sync, deploying mobile device remote instrumentation, Azure App service API apps, API documentation with open source tools, Azure function implementation, function input and output binding, function trigger with timer, webhooks and data operations, Azure Durable Functions, creating Azure Function apps with Visual Studio.
Developing for Azure Storage
Developing solutions with storage tables, table policy implementation, using code to query table storage, deploying partitioning schemes, using Cosmo DB storage for solution development, data creation, read, update and delete with the right API, operations consistency level, developing solutions for relational databases, relational database configuration and provisioning, Azure SQL database elastic pool configuration, using code to create, read, update and delete data tables, developing solutions for blob storage, moving item between containers and storage accounts, deploying blob leasing, data archiving and retention.
Implementing Azure security
Deploying authentication, using forms-based authentication, tokens, certificates, using Azure AD for Windows authentication, OAuth2 authentication, Managed Service Identity, Service Principle authentication, role-based and claims-based authorization, shared access signature, secure data solutions, decrypting and encrypting data in transit and rest, using KeyVault API for key creation and deletion.
Monitor, troubleshoot and optimize Azure solutions
Code development for apps and services scalability, autoscaling rules, handling transit faults with code, caching and content delivery integration with solutions, Azure Redis Cache data storage and retrieval, developing code for CDNs, invalidating cache content, support monitoring and logging solutions, deploying Application Insights for configuring app or service instrumentation, Azure Monitor for troubleshooting, Application Insight Web Test implementation and alerts.
Connecting and consuming Azure and third-party services
Developing App Service Logic App, creating a Logic App, creating custom connector and custom template for Logic Apps, integrating Azure search in solutions, creating Azure search index, importing search data, querying Azure Search index, API Gateways, APIM instance, API authentication, API policies, event-based solution development, deploying solutions with Event Grid, Notification and Event Hub, developing message-based solutions, Azure Service Bus and Azure Queue Storage for solution implementation.